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Street Affected by Fly-Tipping


WCCTV Responds to Reports on the Rise of Fly-Tipping Across the UK

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WCCTV, The UK's leading supplier of redeployable CCTV cameras, responds to the latest rise in fly-tipping and environmental crimes.

Combatting Fly Tippers with Redeployable CCTV

Recent statistics produced by BBC reveal a rise in Fly-Tipping incidents across the UK, with parts of Manchester and London hit the hardest.

The BBC Shared Data Unit found:

  • Large-scale Fly-Tipping - defined as tipper lorry load or more in size - has more than doubled in six years

  • Last year, councils faced a £12.8m bill with clearing more than 36,200 large tips

  • Serious and organised waste crime is estimated to cost the UK economy at least £600 million a year

WCCTV, as the UK’s leading provider of Redeployable CCTV, has long been at the forefront of the fight against environmental crimes such as Fly-Tipping.

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Redeployable CCTV for Local Authorities

Notable success stories from recent years include Birmingham City Council’s deployment of WCCTV’s 4G IR Speed Domes with integrated ANPR.

By utilising Redeployable CCTV, which is designed for quick installation and portability, the Council’s enforcement team could target Fly-Tipping hot-spots across the city reducing the issue with incredible success.

Within two months, reports show the cameras captured 15 Fly-Tipping incidents and secured the arrest and prosecution of a prolific gang who had dumped over two-tonnes of waste.

Read the full Case Study here.

More recently, Brighton and Hove Council caught SIX fly-tippers in the act within 24 hours of deploying a WCCTV redeployable camera. 

WCCTV's technical support specialists worked closely with the council's CCTV department to identify the optimal locations to deploy the cameras and provided remote commissioning services to ensure the cameras captured the required evidence.

The result: the Council responds by issuing fines totalling over £2000 to those filmed illegally dumping commercial and household waste at several hotspot locations - an immediate return on their investment.

Read the Full Case Study

Having worked with over 75% of the UK’s local authorities, these successes are just a few amongst many. Other successes include:

Despite the recent statistics, it would be fair to say the numbers could be significantly higher without the technology provided by WCCTV and the hard work and dedication of Environment Teams across the UK.

For more information on WCCTV’s Redeployable CCTV and ANPR solutions, and learn more about how our products and managed services (including PIA assessments, installation, redeployments, footage downloads and more) can help you reduce Fly-Tipping, follow the links below or contact us on 0800 470 4630.

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Redeployable CCTV for Local Authorities

WCCTV 4G IR Speed Dome + ANPR

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