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KBTidy 2025



WCCTV at the Keep Britain Tidy Network Conference and Awards 2025

Redeployable CCTV for Fly-Tipping

Following the support of 457 councils across the UK, WCCTV will be in attendance at the Keep Britain Tidy Conference and Awards this year. Find out more about the event and our involvement here.

On the 30th January, we will be exhibiting at the Keep Britain Tidy Network Conference and Awards, recognising and celebrating the field of environmental sustainability and waste prevention. 

Having supported various local authorities including Durham and Birmingham council to reduce fly-tipping and overall waste production in their area with our Redeployable CCTV cameras and CCTV Towers, WCCTV is proud to be involved with this years’ event. 

Especially with Cumberland Council being nominated for the Environmental Action award, who we supported with their increased CCTV  monitoring Household Waste Recycling Centres, locally known as Bring Centres with our CCTV Towers throughout the Christmas period.

Fly-tipping tends to be greater during the Christmas period, however, by working collaboratively with us, we helped to manage this waste risk and minimise the costs of cleaning up following any illegal dumpings. 

CCTV Tower Securing a Logistics Site

By using our rental CCTV systems, they could step up their monitoring coverage during this period, and easily off-hire the equipment in the New Year, whilst benefiting from our managed service, which includes installation, maintenance, remote health checks and collection of equipment post-hire. 

By exhibiting at the event, WCCTV will be able to interact with other decision-makers, businesses, and individuals from across the public and private sectors to learn about their practices in supporting the Keep Britain Tidy project.

We also look forward to hearing from speakers on how they have overcome challenges in the field and celebrating the successes that have taken place over the last year. 

Supporting 457 councils ourselves, we always work to be innovative in our security approach to help tackle the key issues faced by local areas regarding environmental sustainability and waste prevention.

Our products offer both a visual deterrent to prevent crime and the ability to monitor and assist in identifying and prosecuting offenders related to any incidents to help preserve cleaner, safer communities.

Engineer Installs a WCCTV Redeployable CCTV Camera

To learn more about the support we have provided to local authorities to prevent waste and improve their environmental sustainability, visit our Case Studies section, or get in touch today to find out how our security solutions could benefit you.

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