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Security Trends to Look Out For in 2025

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As criminals continue to develop new tactics against your business, what key security trends should you be on the look out for this year?

The challenges faced by various industries change annually, with some more frequently depending on your sector. 

In order to keep up with these changes and tackle the issues, the world of security solutions must develop to manage this.

However, are you aware of the security trends you should be on the look-out for in 2025 in order to protect your business?

2024 Review: What Security Challenges Were There?

Security challenges will depend on the industry in which your business falls within, however, generally copper theft, organised retail crime, motor theft and construction crime were amongst some of the more common issues presented last year to businesses. 

Particularly, the issue regarding copper theft which has impacted various industries including critical infrastructure, rail, electric vehicle and residential and commercial property.

Throughout last year, we saw protests that led to further crime such as theft, vandalism, looting and assaults, all of which impacted businesses and their communities. 

As economic struggles could continue across the nation, the likelihood that this type of crime and others will continue is high. Newer, more blatant techniques such as smash-and-grabs could also become more common for retail spaces, placing staff and customers at risk.

Within the property sector, the growth in vacant properties over recent years has placed many residential and commercial properties at risk. Unfortunately, there is no expectation of the number of vacant properties dropping dramatically over the next year, placing further strain on the matter.

Thinking Ahead to the Future: Understanding the Importance of Security

Overall, all industries should consider what their security challenges could be over the next year and plan accordingly to ensure crime is prevented and any offenders can be legally followed up with.

The best way to support your business is through security, and there are numerous security measures available to tackle the challenges you are faced with as a business. For most, CCTV, in particular mobile systems, are counted as the most effective method for all-round security.

CCTV systems in comparison to guards or perimeter fencing provide a more cost-effective security solution that can deter, detect, manage, respond, and record events to ensure optimised security of your business.

Additional features such as, live monitoring and visible crime deterrent is also included within some systems, depending on the company you work with also.

However, seeing as the world of security solutions is evergrowing, understanding what new and innovative features will benefit you in 2025 can be difficult to know as a business.

4 Key Security Trends to Look Out For in 2025

With so many security solutions available across various industries, understanding the key trends to look out for in order to ensure maximum security against these newly developed tactics can be difficult.

However, by utilising our knowledge and gaining insight through the development of our own CCTV systems, we predicted the top 4 security trends to watch out for and how they can support you:

Flexible Security Solutions

Gone are the days where fixed CCTV systems were the only way of receiving this type of security service. A move towards mobile surveillance has encouraged a more flexible solution for security providers, and more importantly to customers.

Although for some industries the access to power and internet is simple, however, for many, there will be no power source or internet meaning that a traditional, fixed CCTV system would not be suitable.

With our CCTV Tower range, some have been designed to provide complete power autonomy, so no input is required from you. This allows industries such as, vacant properties, construction and rail to have the option in utilising CCTV without any need to skip on security quality.

All the Towers can also be moved by either yourself or ourselves, depending on the type if you wish to focus on a different location. This saves you money and time having to set a whole new system up again.

Additionally with WCCTV, we provide a fully-managed service alongside this which removes any burden from you. 

However, in 2025, mobile CCTV is not the only feature to be keeping an eye out for.

With the construction industry and more temporary type projects, permanent CCTV can be costly and potentially worthless once the task is completed. Therefore, as projects and developments grow, we predict the rental market will also and could be exactly what you need.

There are many benefits to renting CCTV, however, the main one being that you can tailor your security to your project length, saving you money whilst maintaining the high-level security you require. 

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Use of AI Technology

The use of AI within security technology has been expanding over recent years as companies explore the benefits it brings to customers and their surveillance needs. However, in 2025, this trend is likely to grow, particularly with video technology.

Due to the precise tracking and detection linked to AI, many security solutions use it to advance the type of security detecting they can provide to help deter crime.

At WCCTV, we offer Video Analytics software with all of our products which provides high-performance intrusion detection specifically designed for 24/7/365 outdoor operation. 

It helps to achieve low false alarm rates whilst maintaining a high detection of probability and reliability. With the correct configuration in place, it can be used in a variety of settings including construction, car parks, utility sites and depots.

Further to this, our Loiter Analytics provides high-performance loiter detection. Using an image analysis tool it can detect individuals who remain too long in the scene.

The analytics uses advanced algorithms to maximise target detection and tracking, and help to provide the following: 

  • AI loitering detection
  • Designed for 24/365 indoor and outdoor applications
  • Detects moving targets and targets that come to a stop
  • Intuitive parameters for effective detection with minimal false alarm

Criminals are utilising clever tactics to intercept businesses nowadays, therefore to combat this in 2025, using an AI-Powered security solution can help to overcome these challenges and think smarter than the criminals themselves.

Environmentally Sustainable Solutions

As a country we made a Net Zero promise of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, but this promise requires businesses to participate alongside the Government to ensure this target is met.

Most businesses will have individual plans to reach this in place already, but it is not just about what you are directly contributing yourself as a business.

Supply chains and processes play a major role in a business’ carbon footprint and this has been heavily recognised and emphasised over the last few years, and companies should be expected to increase scrutiny of this in 2025. 

As security solutions are not often organised in-house, companies will be utilising suppliers to source this and therefore these suppliers will be working to provide more environmentally sustainable options. This is to support business’ individual goals and the overall Net Zero target.

At WCCTV, we have three Towers that have been designed with environmental sustainability at the forefront; the Smart, Thermal Solar and Solar Fuel Cell Tower, all of which hold a low carbon footprint to support your business’ green promise. 

This is particularly beneficial for construction sites this year being the second largest contributor to carbon emissions, reaching a Net Zero construction site is key and this includes choosing suppliers that match this.

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Proactive and Reactive CCTV Systems

Working retrospectively was a thing of the past as we entered the new year, with crime rates up and convictions difficult to acquire, you need to consider utilising a system which takes a more proactive response to security.

Many companies are moving to offer CCTV systems backed by remote monitoring services that help to provide a proactive and reactive response to security threats.

With security experts monitoring live footage 24/7, you can expect threats to be detected, assessed, managed, and responded to quickly. This helps to intercept active crime, or even deter it from happening, instead of simply capturing footage of an incident as evidence.

All of WCCTV’s products are backed with this service and ensure that if an incident does occur, the cameras record high-quality video that is stored safely to be used for evidential purposes in future.

There are numerous benefits to remote monitoring services, but most importantly it is the enhanced security it can provide against the ever-developing tactics criminals create.

Secure Your Business For the Future with WCCTV

2025 brings a lot of uncertainty for many industries and businesses. However, to ensure its security in the future, you must maintain your systems in order to keep up with the growing crimes and new tactics.

Having over 20-years of expertise in security solutions and supporting various industries to overcome their challenges, we have seen the development in crime and continue to create innovative products to combat this.

Our CCTV Tower range was designed for multiple industries and tackle various security challenges, even those specific to a particular industry. 

Speak With One of Our CCTV Tower Experts Today



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