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The University of Leicester is one of the UK's leading educational institutes. They provide inspiring learning and research opportunities and work in partnership with local communities to become a truly inclusive university.
The University of Leicester's security services team handles security on all 23 university estates, including residences.
The security team regularly patrol the university estates, which can be challenging when issues arise from students. They have been met with occurrences of anti-social behaviour and assaults on security staff.
In addition, the security team also can come into close contact with non-students who are trying to access buildings.
To enhance safety for the security team, the University of Leicester sought to invest in body cameras to assist in the creation of a safe environment for students and staff.
To help shield the security team from violence and aggression and catch evidential footage and audio, the University has deployed our Body Worn Cameras.
WCCTV's Body Worn Camera (Record) captures video, audio, and pictures on the move, with key features including playback up to 1080p at up to 30 frames per second, with all recordings capturing vital metadata such as date, time, GPS location, device number and user details to ensure evidential usage.
The University's security team currently has a wireless network, so WCCTV worked with their IT department to integrate WCCTV's Evidence Management Software (EMS) onto the university's server.
This is ideal as the security team can access the EMS from multiple locations, and it has the potential to stream video when needed; for example, where there is a protest on university grounds, the footage can be viewed when the device is in range.
With the use of WCCTV's Body Worn Camera (Record), the security staff at the University of Leicester have been able to promote officer safety and preserve visual and audio information and evidence for use in investigations and criminal prosecutions.
The university has also been able to resolve any complaints about security staff or other university personnel more quickly, reducing assaults on security officers whilst increasing student and staff reassurance throughout the grounds.
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