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Land & Water, a leading wet civil engineering specialist, was awarded a contract to construct a new hydropower station at Caversham Weir in Reading on behalf of Reading Hydro CBS Ltd.
The hydro station harnesses the power of the River Thames and helps deliver approx. 46kw of renewable electricity to the National Grid.
Land & Water, together with Reading Hydro, also erected a 'fish pass' to ensure fish and eels have a safe means of passage through the station's turbines - emphasising their commitment towards protecting the local wildlife in the areas it constructs.
The £1m project commenced in October 2020 and completed in February 2021.
The site's remoteness, coupled with the high value of the specialised tools and machinery required for the construction, meant Land & Water were keen to install a reliable, proactive security system throughout the project.
The site's remoteness meant there was no fixed power source, so the chosen security solution would have to be completely power autonomous.
Finally, as the project was particularly high profile and of interest to several stakeholders (funding for the project had been raised via share offers), Land & Water and Reading Hydro wanted to create a time lapse video of the project to keep everyone updated on progress.
Land & Water identified WCCTV as the ideal security partner for the project. WCCTV is a specialist provider of Rapid Deployment CCTV solutions for remote and temporary construction projects.
The security solution installed at the site was WCCTV's Solar Fuel Cell Tower, an autonomously powered all-in-one site security system.
The 7m, bright yellow Tower provides an obvious deterrent to criminals. It also delivers live and recorded video and alarms via 4G connectivity and is self-powered by renewable energy backed by a methanol fuel cell - making it the ideal security system for off-grid sites.
All WCCTV's rapid deployment CCTV systems are backed by a fully managed service, including equipment installation, video monitoring, audio challenge, and ongoing maintenance and support.
Our Rapid Deployment CCTV Towers contain additional video channels, allowing for the addition of HD time lapse video cameras as a value-added service to our comprehensive security package.
This allowed Reading Hydro and Land & Water to document all onsite progress without employing two separate video suppliers.
Uniquely, WCCTV can provide time lapse video cameras that are also self-powered, meaning we can capture construction projects where others can't.
Throughout the project, the WCCTV Rapid Deployment CCTV Tower provided robust security, predominantly as a deterrent to any opportunist theft.
There were no reported thefts from the site, enabling the project to complete on schedule to avoid costly delays or losses.
Finally, the time lapse video updates provided by WCCTV were widely shared among stakeholders, keeping everyone apprised of the project's progression. The final video, which has been viewed 1000s of times online, is available to view below.
Ready to find out how a managed CCTV service can assist with site security? Get in touch today on 0800 470 4630 or request a call back
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