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Redeployable CCTV Camera at Night


Brighton Council Caught Hundreds of Fly-Tippers with WCCTV Cameras

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Brighton and Hove Council have caught 100 Fly-Tipping incidents since installing WCCTV's Redeployable Cameras six months ago.

CCTV Cameras catch Fly Tippers Red Handed

Brighton and Hove City Council have caught hundreds of Fly-Tipping incidents since installing WCCTV's Redeployable Cameras six months ago.

Figures recently released by the council show that the new WCCTV cameras have directly been responsible for capturing 124 people dumping their unwanted rubbish on the streets, public land and open spaces.

The video evidence captured by the cameras has allowed the Council to issue fines adding up to more than £50,000.

The results build on cameras' initial successes, when they caught six fly-tippers in the first 24 hours of deployment.

WCCTV Redeployable CCTV Cameras

The huge success of the WCCTV cameras, which were installed at some of the city’s worst-affected fly-tipping hotspots, has led to the council investing in two more WCCTV 4G IR Speed Domes. The Council will also use the cameras to catch graffiti taggers.

A spokesman for the council said: “We’re still calling on residents to remember to keep informing us of any flytipping incidents they come across.

“Money from fines is used to buy more cameras as well as improving this vital service.”

Councillor Amy Heley, chairwoman of the council’s environment, transport and sustainability committee, said: “Flytipping costs the council, and therefore residents, more than £100,000 a year, so it’s something we’re determined to stop or at least limit as much as possible.

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The Benefits of Redeployable CCTV

“These new cameras and further public assistance will help even more in tackling this ongoing problem.”

WCCTV's redeployable CCTV cameras also feature Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). When footage of a vehicle is captured, the Council will match the number plate with Sussex Police data sources to identify the vehicle keeper and help with prosecution.

WCCTV Redeployable CCTV

WCCTV has been supplying rapid deployment CCTV systems around the globe since 2001, and in our experience, the key applications for these systems include:

Ready to learn more about how WCCTV's Redeployable CCTV cameras can assist with your applications? Contact our team today on 0800 470 4630 or email sales@wcctv.com

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