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The Benefits of NSI Gold Accredited Security For Critical Infrastructure

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Keeping critical infrastructure safe can be complex. We explore the benefits of NSI Gold Accredited security and how it can prevent security risks, such as vandalism and theft.

From copper and cable theft to cyberattacks, critical infrastructure faces constantly evolving security challenges that as a business you need to stay on top of. 

Not doing so could place key services at risk which could be detrimental to millions of individuals and land you in financial and legal troubles yourself.

Therefore, the security you onboard is vital to maintaining its safety and one thing you need to be looking for is if the system is supported by or recognised with the NSI Gold Accreditation.

What Does NSI Gold Accredited Security Mean?

NSI Gold Accredited Security stands for the highest level of certification for security and fire safety in the UK. It provides a commitment to technical competency, quality management, and continuous improvement, all of which are governed by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI).

Not all companies are accredited with this, and those that are must fit the criteria set to maintain their accreditation.

For most security companies, the importance of having this is that many businesses will only look to involve themselves with NSI Gold Accredited Security. 

With it being industry standard, it presents security companies recognised with it as being that of high-standard, offering top level surveillance to businesses who require it.

Understanding the Differences Between NSI Gold Accredited Security and Other Alternatives?

But, how can you truly establish the difference between NSI Gold Accredited Security and other alternative security types?

The main difference is the focus on the quality management process in addition to the product itself. 

Other certifications or those lower than the NSI Gold Accreditation will often look primarily at product quality, ensuring they meet those standards including the installation process of it. 

Whereas for companies to be recognised as NSI Gold Accredited Security, their company will be scrutinised for product quality, but also on order management processes, procedures, and policies.

They want to know the security company is going beyond basic technical competence, instead seeking to know the continuous improvement the business is implementing for the future.

This sets it apart from the rest as those accredited with this display the highest level of security and their commitment to excellence, showing any existing or potential customers that they are recognised heavily within the industry.

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Why Does Critical Infrastructure Require Advanced Security?

Compared to other industries, critical infrastructure links to national security, economic stability, public health, and safety, providing key services to millions of individuals across the UK. 

If damaged or disrupted, the consequences could be catastrophic and leave many without these vital services that keep households and businesses alive including:

  • Create transportation delays and cancellations
  • Disrupt hospital operations, most importantly emergency response units
  • Leave locations without clean water or power
  • Disrupt or stop communication leaving households and businesses without phone signal and internet

Due to such high risks, the type of security required for such infrastructure often needs to be of the highest level and quality to ensure maximised protection against the various security threats presented to them.

That’s why for the critical infrastructure industry, many businesses within this field should aim to acquire NSI Gold Accredited Security to provide themselves with the best form of crime prevention.

The Key Benefits NSI Gold Accredited Security Provides Critical Infrastructure

The only way to know the real reason behind the need for NSI Gold Accredited Security is to understand the key benefits it can bring to your critical infrastructure.

By not having this, it can be difficult to truly gauge how investing in this type of security can actually support you.

With WCCTV’s live video monitoring, we utilise NSI Gold Accredited security professionals and understand the benefits provided through this service. Therefore we gathered the 8 key benefits NSI Gold Accredited Security can provide your critical infrastructure:

Enhanced Critical Infrastructure Security

For security companies to be accredited with the NSI Gold Accreditation, they must fulfil certain specifications, of which two of them include using the latest technology and best practices with their security systems. 

By having this in place, this ensures that any businesses utilising an accredited company will receive the latest preventative tools and technology. 

Any non-accredited companies could be using outdated technology and falling short on the type of security they can provide you with.

Due to the reliance on critical infrastructure and overwhelming industry demands, choosing the cheaper security option could create devastating consequences which you cannot afford to have happen.

Investing in NSI Gold Accredited Security minimises that risk from the get-go, continuously ensuring you have the latest developments and support. With regular inspections in place to ensure that standards remain as needed at all times.

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Extra Reassurance

For security companies with lower accreditations or that are not accredited at all, there are fewer specifications and policies that need to be fulfilled. 

This means companies can cut corners with product and quality standards, in turn impacting the level of security you receive.

By using an NSI Gold Accredited Security company, this removes that concern as businesses must upkeep to the standards set by the Governing body in order to hold onto their accreditation.

This provides you with the reassurance that you’re receiving the highest level of security on your critical infrastructure, allowing you to focus on other important management responsibilities related to it.

Provides Insurance Benefits

Insurance premiums can be extremely expensive, especially for industries like critical infrastructure where there are various security risks such as copper theft and vandalism.

Although insurance is vital in ensuring your business is protected in incidents of crime, the expense can be overwhelming.

However, by using an NSI Gold Accredited Security company, you may actually benefit from more than just the security protection you receive. 

For some insurers, you may be offered lowered insurance premiums if you have an NSI Gold Accredited Security system installed. This is because it displays to insurers that you have the highest level of security in place, suggesting there is a lowered risk of crime.

Insurers assess their pricing through reviewing the risks of a business, therefore the lower the risks to them, the better and this will reflect in your premium.

Industry Standard Recognition

Being recognised by industry standards is important to ensure that the security being provided to your critical infrastructure matches that of the expectations had within the world of security.

Following other standards that do not have this could leave you vulnerable to dangers as it may mean that they do not follow correct safety procedures, provide misinformation, or do not cover key topics generally considered important by the industry.

With NSI Gold Accredited Security, this is recognised as industry standard so you can trust that the security service you receive is one that is well-established and known by most businesses.

High Standards for Increased Accountability

Gaining an NSI Gold Accreditation takes time. It is difficult to accomplish and there are various specifications that need to be met in order to be recognised with this.

Therefore, any companies accredited with it not only show they work at the highest standard, but also accept the increased responsibility and accountability related to this accreditation.

Security companies with NSI Gold Accreditation will face more scrutiny, more inspections, more questions, all that aim to encourage them to maintain standards but also to continuously improve themselves for their customers.

The security risks presented to critical infrastructure are constantly changing, so by using an NSI Gold Accredited Security company, they’ll always be held to a specific standard and be held accountable with the service they provide.

Product and Quality Management System Certification

As mentioned earlier, other accreditations solely focus on the product and not the quality management, but this is just as important to ensure your critical infrastructure receives the high-level security it deserves.

With NSI Gold Accredited Security, the Governing body focuses on both elements and ensures any security companies involved have the product and quality management system certifications required.

This is recognised as industry standard and displays to any businesses using a security company accredited with this, that you are promised to receive the best support possible.

Utilise Best Practice for Improved Safety

Ensuring best practice with your security links heavily to the safety of your critical infrastructure including for your employees and any on-site visitors. 

Internal security risks are just as present as external ones and with NSI Gold Accedited Security, any company involved must comply with the latest industry best practice. This helps to protect them from internal and external risks at the highest possible standard.

Those accredited show they comply with codes of practice in addition to best practice, therefore the company has the knowledge of how to respond to safety and security risks faced by your critical infrastructure.

Vetted Staff 

NSI Gold Accredited Security companies have to vet their employees to British Standard BS7858, ensuring all those who visit your critical infrastructure regarding your security have been screened to this.

By having this screening, it means you have enhanced security support by ensuring those helping you are correctly trained and working to industry standards.

Otherwise you could be faced with poorly trained individuals or completely false employees posing as security professionals, leading your business to be in more danger than you were prior to gaining external support.

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Trust WCCTV With Our Surveillance Solutions Backed by NSI Gold Accredited Security

Going gold with your security is the best form of defence for your critical infrastructure, especially when it comes to security accreditations.

Other alternative security solutions cannot guarantee the same level of support, with risks of cut corners, lowered product quality, and poor quality management. Not selecting a NSI Gold Accredited Security company could cause more harm than good. 

We recognise the importance of NSI Gold Accreditation which is why all of WCCTV’s live video monitoring which backs all of our products use NSI Gold Accredited security professionals. This ensures those who support and respond to incidents are dealt with professionally and to industry standard.

We continuously work to improve the support we provide to our customers, particularly in industries where there are increased dangers and demands, like with critical infrastructure. 

Millions rely on it as an industry and we want to ensure you can trust us to manage this for you.

To find out more about how WCCTV can support you and your critical infrastructure’s security, get in touch today!

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